Why Maisha Canada?

Why Maisha, you ask?

Maisha means life in Swahili. This is our attempt to highlight what a successful life in Canada entails, especially as it relates to post-secondary education and subsequent transition to the work force.

What’s the point of all these unsolicited advices? Can’t individuals reach out and seek help on their own? Isn’t this doing too much?

Very few people have the ability to know what they don’t know. Therefore, they can’t ask for help even if they clearly need it. Out of inexperience, many set out very confident in their know-how, until years later it becomes clear they aren't on the right track. This platform highlights general dos and don’ts for success. To set expectations on what pitfalls to look out for incoming freshman students and new graduates.

Why profile everybody when everyone already profiled has the same recommendations?

We live in far-flung corners of Canada and most don’t know of each other’s existence, let alone their professional expertise. These LinkedIn-like platform brings us together. We become aware of who is where and doing what. You have to be aware of a resource to use it. The goal is to connect people, either using school subject matter, location of residence or professional industry. More people on the platform means more chances of seeing someone doing something you are interested in and then learning about their journey from them directly.

How can I get in touch with one of the alumni profiled?

Some have shared their LinkedIn URLS or email. For anyone with no contact at all, reach out through the contact page provided and you will be connected with them.

Key considerations behind this website design

Situation: Lack of mentors with a niche experience within their social and geographic circle.

Solution: Cataloging and sharing profiles of mentors in different academic fields across Canada.

Situation: It takes knowledge and experience to recognize one’s own knowledge gaps. New students don’t reach out for help because they are shy or can’t comprehend how much they do not know or should know. Ignorance is bliss.

Solution: Alumni and senior students weigh in on key success tips, risks and opportunities on our website, including credit cards, racism, internships, networking.

Situation: Time constraints. Mentees & mentors can’t meet in-person because of time difference, school and work commitments.

Solution: By sharing knowledge through an online platform, mentees can access and consume this content 24/7 at their own free time.